Let’s up level your brand on Video!

If you aren’t using video in your brand marketing then you’re missing out on the fastest way to attract your ideal clients.

Sue recently embraced an opportunity to mentor college students from NJCU at the Institute for Dispute Resolution for a business pitch competition.

In this video, Sue shares insights on her experience as a mentor, the impact she brought to her team and how she lead her team to victory!

About me

I teach entrepreneurs, big and small companies, how to create engaging video content that converts. I’m an Emmy Award Winning Television Makeup Artist, with three decades of beauty and production experience.

My clients hire me for my expertise and book me for one on one coaching, I work online over ZOOM to coach them so they can radiate on camera.  My program The Dynamic Video Blueprint teaches you how to create endless content for your video marketing that reaches your target audience.



Dynamic Video Blueprint

In this 5 week Program you will learn the framework Sue teaches her clients to be E.P.I.C on camera. You learn to  Eliminate, Present, Inspire and Connect with your ideal audience using video.


Captivate on Camera

For clients who need more focused coaching Sue offers a 3 month program. She teaches her clients how to show up powerfully and energetically over ZOOM meetings and on video.

You understand what your brand messaging should look and sound like in order to create a brand authority.

Makeup & Shakeup Your Videos

The way you look on camera represents your overall story, image, energy and brand. Never has there been a more important time than right now to learn how to get that makeup and image done right. 

This is FREE 5 Day Challenge that takes place on Facebook. Join the group to learn more!

Tell me what makes your brand different…

Feeling lost in the online space? Overwhelmed by your competition and distracted by what every other “coach’ or “expert” is doing?

Let’s chat over a zoom call and let’s discover what your brand is all about and more importantly what you want it to be.


Latest Interview on LATINAS 


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